
Neural networks partly seem to undermine the traditional theory of machine learning, which relies heavily on ideas of probability theory and statistics. What is the mystery of their success?


DevOps is in high demand in technology today, from CI/CD (continuous software integration and deployment) to container management and server preparation.


The healthcare industry has continuously been one of the most conservative industries. We’re used to seeing doctors in person for a consultation, receiving a paper prescription for medicine, etc. This […]


Investors are considering their best course of action as Tesla is ready to deliver its quarterly earnings report. Since Tesla is typically erratic around earnings announcements and the stock has […]


The idea of using blockchain technology to decentralize energy production is not a new one. In fact, a number of startups and established companies are already working on implementing this […]


For a couple of years, skill-based jobs are taking lead in every industry. Whether it’s a dairy business or a laptop renovation, all needed websites to extend their revenue.  As […]

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