The purpose of this article is to show how to solve an algebraic expression as a string, by converting it from infix to postfix form and parsing the transformed string.

The basic idea of satellite differential interferometry is quite obvious-the difference between the two phase images is calculated and recalculated into the offset in the direction of the satellite's line of sight using geometric constructions for a radar with a known wavelength.

You work as a programmer and you write code almost every day. Tell me how often do you feel satisfaction from the work you do and pride in the results of your work?

Surprisingly, not many software developers and scientists seem to know about it, which saddens me because it is a very generalized and powerful tool for combining information in the presence of uncertainty.

One of the oldest examples of engineering is a tree. No, not growing in the woods, but a tree thrown across a stream to cross it more conveniently, quickly and dryly.

One of the most frequent questions that newcomers, people who are far from programming, and one of the biggest stereotypes of our time ask: does a programmer need mathematics?
These meetings have become a traditional communication between specialists. It is this form of communication that allows for a more in-depth and substantive consideration of the state and development of the basic foundation. Successful work to all in the future!

Finn Kertzmann
FMath 20Thank you for hosting such an event, for inviting great speakers, for starting a tradition of communication and discussion among the participants. It was a pleasure to meet and listen. The master class was at the highest level! Clear, understandable … SUPER! I also want to say that the conference gives so many skills, information and communication, acquaintances, which not just 2 days, 2 years can not find.

Nick Schaden
FMath 20I express my gratitude to the conference organizers for the rich and fruitful conference program, its high professional level and the relevance of the proposed topics

Carson Baumbach
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